(응집물리 세미나) Hund's metallicity in ruthenate systems
2022.05.25 09:11
날짜 | 2022-03-25 11:00 |
연사 | |
장소 | E6-1 #1323 |
1. Date / Time
- March 25, 2022
- 11:00 AM (KST)
2. Place / ZOOM
- Room 1323, KAIST Natural Sciences Lecture Hall(E6) (자연과학동 1323호)
- Link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/87307858369?pwd=am5MUmZSaHZFS0pDRkxPTWloSDNYdz09
- PW: 079031
- PW: 079031
3. Speaker
- Prof. Ara Go (Department of Physics, Chonnam National University)
4. Talk Title
- Hund's metallicity in ruthenate systems
5. Abstract
- Strong Coulomb interaction in transition metal compounds arises many emergent phenomena. The rotationally invariant local Coulomb interaction can be expressed as a combination of two terms, Hubbard interaction U and Hund's coupling J. The strong Hubbard interaction is well known to stabilize Mott insulating phase. On the other hand, in the specific region of the phase diagram, Hund's coupling drives a characteristic correlated metallic behavior--Hund's metal.
Ruthenate systems show typical Hund's metallic behavior. We investigate the interplay between van Hove singularity and Hund's coupling in the ruthenate systems. We perform systematic dynamical mean-field calculations for various parameters targeting the systems and specify the experimentally relevant region. By analyzing the atomic multiplet population, we identify the distinct nature of a strontium ruthenate 113 film and 214 bulk system.\