Metrology of Band Topology via Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
2021.10.28 13:28
날짜 | 2021-11-02 16:00 |
연사 | |
장소 | 자연과학동(E6-2) #1323 |
Title: Metrology of Band Topology via Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
speaker: Sangjin Lee(IBS-CALDES)
Date: 4pm, 2nd Nov E6 #1323
Topology is a central notion in the classification of band insulators and characterization of entangled many-body quantum states. In some cases, it manifests as quantized observables such as quantum Hall conductance. However, being inherently a global property depending on the entirety of the system, its direct measurement has remained elusive to local experimental probes in many cases. Here, we demonstrate that some topological band indices can be probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Specically, for the paradigmatic Su-Schrieer-Heeger and quadrupolar insulator models, we show that non-trivial band topology leads to distinct scattering intensity at particular momentum and energy. Our result establishes an incisive bulk probe for the measurement of band topology.