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Search for dark matter axion with Rydberg atoms

2021.03.19 17:37

admin 조회 수:2601

날짜 2021-03-25 16:00 
일시 Mar25(Thur), 04:00PM 
장소 Online Seminar (Zoom) 
연사 Prof. Atsushi Tokiyasu (Tohoku Univ.) 

Topic: Search for dark matter axion with Rydberg atoms


Speaker: Prof. Atsushi Tokiyasu

Date: March 25, 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 4:00 PM


Venue: Online Seminar (Zoom Teleconference System)

Meeting ID: 610 806 8959

Passcode: 131015



Axion is a hypothetical particle, originally proposed to solve the Strong CP problem in the QCD theory. Axion is believed to be generated in the early universe, and it is known to be one of the candidates of cosmic dark matter.

Many search experiments were performed, but the existence of axion has not been established yet.

From the recent observation on the cosmic microwave and the theoretical calculation, it is suggested that the
axion has a mass of O(100) micro-eV. We are aiming to search for axion in this mass region (New-CARRACK
In the New-CARRACK project, we are planning to search for axion by using a single photon detection method.
Single photon detection is free from the standard quantum limit, and allows us to search for axion with a wide
range of mass without degrading its detection sensitivity.
If the mass of axion is O(100) micro-eV, the converted photon with strong magnetic field have the frequency of O
(10) GHz. It is difficult to detect this photon with a micro-wave cavity, and we will use a Rydberg atom, which is an excited atom that have electrons with high principal quantum number (n~100).
Rydberg atom is known to be sensitive to micro-wave photons. By changing the excited level with the laser
system, we can control the sensitive frequency. In addition, we can search for axion in the wide mass range by
using direct photo-ionization processes.
We are now constructing a detector system which consists of superconducting magnet, a dilution refrigerator and high-precision laser system to excite a Rydberg atom.We have also found a new method to improve S/N of axion search which utilize
a cooled and bunched beam of Rydberg atoms.


In this seminar, the recent results of axion search experiments are reviewed. The overview of New-CARRACK project are
introduced, and the preparation status will be reported.
Poster_Tokiyasu (Revised).jpg


introduced, and the preparation status will be reported.


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