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날짜 2020-10-16 16:00 

Hidden room-temperature ferroelectricity in CaTiO3 revealed by a metastable octahedral rotation pattern

 Dr. Daesu Lee

Department of Physics, POSTECH

 Oct. 16 (Fri.), 04:00 PM Online seminar

회의 ID: 891 9807 8609

암호: 660431




Nonequilibrium atomic structures can host exotic and technologically relevant properties in otherwise conventional materials. Oxygen octahedral rotation forms a fundamental atomic distortion in perovskite oxides, but only a few patterns are predominantly present at equilibrium. This has restricted the range of possible properties and functions of perovskite oxides, necessitating the utilization of nonequilibrium patterns of octahedral rotation. Here, we report that a designed metastable pattern of octahedral rotation leads to robust room-temperature ferroelectricity in CaTiO3, which is otherwise nonpolar down to 0 K. Guided by density-functional theory, we selectively stabilize the metastable pattern, distinct from the equilibrium pattern and cooperative with ferroelectricity, in heteroepitaxial films of CaTiO3. Atomic-scale imaging combined with deep neural network analysis confirms a close correlation between the metastable pattern and ferroelectricity. This work reveals a hidden but functional pattern of oxygen octahedral rotation and opens avenues for designing multifunctional materials.


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