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날짜 2020-07-02 16:00 
일시 July 2, 2020 (Thursday) 
장소 Zoom Video Conference Seminar 
연사 Dr. Emmanuel Flurin (CEA Saclay) 
 Zoom Video Conference Seminar (Please click the link below for an access to the online seminar.)


Meeting passcode: 619310세미나.png


번호 날짜 장소 제목
304 2020-11-12 16:00  E6-2 1323  2020 가을학기 광학분야 특별세미나
303 2020-10-23 14:00  E6-2 #1323  Plasmon spectroscopy of low-dimensional superconductors in fluctuating regime file
302 2020-10-16 16:00  Hidden room-temperature ferroelectricity in CaTiO3 revealed by a metastable octahedral rotation pattern file
301 2020-10-16 14:30  Nanoscale magnetic resonance detection towards nano MRI file
300 2020-10-15 17:00  Time crystals, quasicrystals, and time crystal dynamics in the superfluid universe file
299 2020-10-15 16:00  CAPP Seminar Room #C303, Creation Hall (3F), KAIST Munji Campus  Graphene-based Josephson junction microwave bolometer file
298 2020-10-15 16:00  (  Towards resource-efficient and fault-tolerant quantum computation with nonclassical light
297 2020-10-09 09:00  Quantum Many-Body Simulation file
296 2020-09-28 17:30  Zoom webinar  KAIST Global Forum for Spin and Beyond(Fourth Forum) file
295 2020-09-24 09:00  Zoom Video  (CAPP/IBS)Searching for Dark Matter with a Superconducting Qubit , Cryogenic Microwave Circuit Development at the NSTU file
294 2020-09-22 09:30  Zoom webinar  Physics and applications of soliton microcombs(Quantum- & Nano-Photonics) file
293 2020-09-14 17:30  Zoom webinar  KAIST Global Forum for Spin and Beyond (Third Forum) file
292 2020-09-11 14:00  zoom  SRC Seminar file
291 2020-08-25 20:00  Zoom webinar  KAIST Global Forum for Spin and Beyond (Second Forum) file
290 2020-08-17 20:00  Zoom webinar  Using magnetic tunnel junctions to compute like the brain file
» 2020-07-02 16:00  Zoom Video Conference Seminar  An irreversible qubit-photon coupling for the detection of itinerant microwave photons file
288 2020-02-20 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Unconventional superconductivity in the locally non-centrosymmetric heavy-fermion CeRh2As2 file
287 2020-02-13 16:30  E6-6, #119  Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions in Graphene with Noble Metal Plasmonic Structures file
286 2020-02-12 13:00  E6-2, #5318  From inflation to new weak-scale file
285 2020-01-17 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Symmetry Breaking and Topology in Superfluid 3He file