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날짜 2022-08-09 14:00 
일시 Aug. 9 (Tue), 14:00 PM 
장소 KI building (E4), Lecture Room Red (B501) 
연사 Dr. YoungChan Kim (Quantum Biophotonics Group, University of Surrey, UK) 
(Optics Seminar) Quantum biology in fluorescent protein: a new model system to study quantum effects in biology
1. Presenter: Dr. YoungChan Kim (Quantum Biophotonics Group, University of Surrey, UK)
2. Presentation Title: Quantum biology in fluorescent protein: a new model system to study quantum effects in biology
3. Date & Time: 2022.08.09 (Tues.) 14:00 pm - 15:00 pm 
4. Location: KI building (E4), Lecture Room Red (B501)(Lecture Room)
5. Zoom URL
   Meeting ID: 828 8560 1118
   Passcode: 115849
6. Abstract
Quantum effects are usually thought be too delicate to manifest in biology since random molecular interactions was thought to be instantaneously obliterate quantum coherent molecular interactions occurring in wet biological environments. However, recent biological, chemical, and physical breakthroughs have revealed that subtle quantum effects may shape biological processes and functions, as exemplified by photosynthesis, enzyme catalysed reactions, and magnetic field effects on spin-dependent reactions in biology, to name a few. Studying coherent dipole-dipole coupling between biomolecular systems is challenging but holds many fascinating, fundamental questions that will inspire new ways to better understand and enhance health and medicine. Recent study suggests that the yellow fluorescent proteins, VenusA206, exhibit room-temperature exciton coupling when they form a dimer. Because cryogenic temperature is not required to observe such quantum effects, genetically engineered fluorescent protein assemblies could inspire a new way towards developing biological quantum technologies, such as quantum-enhanced biosensors. In this talk, I will present the recent progress in studying quantum biology using fluorescent proteins.
Inquiry: Biomedical Optics Laboratory(Prof. Park, YongKeun) at Dept. Physics 
Attachment: CV
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