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날짜 2022-04-15 11:00 
장소 Online seminar 
1. Date / Time 
    - April 15, 2022
    - 11:00 AM (KST)
2. Place / ZOOM 
3. Speaker
    - Prof.Jaekwang Lee (Department of Physics, Pusan National University)
4. Talk Title
    - First-principles studies of polar oxides and their applications
5. Abstract
    - For the last decades, the polar oxide surfaces/interfaces have attracted considerable attention due to their unique electronic and structural reconstructions induced by the polar discontinuity. In order to avoid this polar catastrophe, the screening from internal/external charge sources in the polar oxide surfaces/interfaces give rise to many novel phenomena, such as coexistence of polar distortion and metallicity, vicinal surface reconstruction, and metallicity at interphase boundaries. Here, combining density functional theory calculations, molecular dynamic simulations, and homemade code, I will discuss the novel polarity-induced quantum phenomena in polar LaAlO3 surface and polar HfO2-based ferroelectric tunnel junction.
0221_카이스트 물리학과(응집물리)포스터-최종.jpg
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