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날짜 2023-06-14 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #2502 

We invite you to the High-Energy Theory Seminar. The speaker for this week is Matteo Lotito from Seoul National University. 

Time: June 14th (Wed) 4 pm
Place: E6-2, #2502

Title: Vertex algebras and extended operators in 4d N=2 SCFTs

Local Schur operators in 4d N=2 SCFTs form a protected class of operators that give rise to a 2d vertex operator algebra. Generalizing the local operator picture, we introduce classes of rigid extended operators (lines, surfaces, domain walls) and study them in twisted Schur cohomology. We find that, provided some appropriate regularization, there are many such operators. We show how these fit in cohomology classes and how the full set of these operators supports a more general algebraic structure than the vertex operator algebra of local operators. We compute explicitly in the case of a free hypermultiplet theory, where we can showcase some of the main features of our general construction.

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