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날짜 2016-05-13 16:00 
장소 E6. #1501(1st fl.) 

Graphene analogue in (111)- BaBiO3 bilayer heterostructures for topological electronics


Dr. Hosub Jin, Dept. of Physics, UNIST
May 13 (Fri.) 4 PM, E6. #1501(1st fl.)


Graphene has been drawn great attention, triggering the outburst of two dimensional materials research. Among various capable applications, graphene was suggested as a platform for topological electronics; following the finding of the quantum spin Hall pahse, diverse topological phases have been suggested in graphene via generating the mass-gap at the Dirac point. To be more optimal for topological electronics applications, however, the large spin-orbit coupling and/or the bandgap tunability are necessary, which are hardly accessible in graphene. In an attempt to find the practical candidates, we suggest that the (111)-oriented BaBiO3 bilayer pervskite oxides sandwiched by large gap insulators can provide an ideal platform for topological electronics. The Dirac fermion and its various topological phases in this heterostructure emerge from the confluence of three research areas in condensed matter physics: Dirac materials, oxide heterostructures, and topological electronic structures. By taking account of the charge, spin, valley and pseudospin degrees of freedom of the Dirac fermion and the abundant order parameters of oxide perovskites, we may find a zoo of topological quantum matters in the oxide herostructures.


Contact: Eun Gook Moon, Physics Dept., (

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