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Advanced Optical Materials and Devices at NRL

2015.09.01 11:36

admin 조회 수:1439

날짜 2015-09-07 15:00 
장소 E6-2. 1st fl. #1318 

Advanced Optical Materials and Devices at NRL
2015/09/07(Mon) 3PM,   E6-2. 1st fl. #1318
Dr. Jasbinder Sanghera, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)


Optical Materials, Devices and Applications AT NRL, we possess facilities for the synthesis of ultrahigh purity chemicals and their conversion into undoped and rare earth/transition metal ion doped glasses, glass ceramics, ceramics, and crystals that can be monolithic bulk optics, thin films, and optical fibers using selective processes such as melting, casting, sintering, sputtering, evaporation, extrusion, and fiber drawing, respectively. The linear and nonlinear optical properties of these materials are then exploited in many applications including laser power delivery, laser power generation, fluorescent sources, chem/bio sensing, and flexible photovoltaics. This talk will focus on the many different optical materials and their applications.


Contact: Hee Kyung Ahn, Physics Dept., (

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