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Online workshop for Quantitative Phase Imaging

2020.12.21 15:14

admin 조회 수:1978

날짜 2020-12-23 10:00 
장소 Online 



This Wednesday (23 Dec) we will be hosting an online workshop for Quantitative Phase Imaging. We have invite 10 experts to share the latest results of label-free imaging and its applications in cell biology and medicine. We hope you will join this workshop.

The workshop will be on through Zoom webinar and there is no registration fee.


Workshop information (including registration link):


Part I

Time (KST, GMT+9)

Speakers & Title


Prof. YongKeun Park (KAIST)


Opening Remark


Prof. Gabriel Popescu (UIUC)

(19:10-19:50 in IL, USA)



Prof. Yang Liu (U of Pittsburgh)

(20:55-21:25 in Pittsburg)



Prof. Renjie Zhou (U of HK)

(10:40-11:15 in HK)

Empowering Quantitative Phase Imaging with Artificial-intelligence, High-speed, and 3D-vision


Part II

Time (KST, GMT+9)

Speakers & Title


Prof. Changi Pack (Asan Medical Center)


Physico-Chemical Properties of Organelles in Live Cell Analyzed by Optical Diffraction Tomography



Dr. Kyoohyun Kim (Max-PIanck Institute, Germany)


Correlative Brillouin microscopy and optical diffraction tomography for studying biophysics and mechanics of biological samples


Prof. Sangwoo Park (Korea University, Korea)


Development of atherosclerosis inhibitor using 3D holotomography


Prof. Eri H. Hayakawa (Jichi Medical University, Japan)


Label-free holotomographic microscopy reveal cholesterol sorting occurred in Plasmodium falciparum-erythrocytes


Prof. Min Jae Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)


How are Ubiquitin, Proteasome, and Autophagy Intertwined?

A Case of Aggrephagy and Proteaphagy



Prof. Richard W. Wong (Kanazawa University, Japan)


Nano-imaging of nuclear pore and karyopherins dynamics in cancer cells


Dr. Sumin Lee (Tomocube, Inc.)


Quantitative analysis of cell volume and the dry mass in a single cell and organelles using holotomography and AI


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