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날짜 2020-10-16 14:30 

Nanoscale magnetic resonance detection towards nano MRI” 

Dr. Chulki Kim

Korea Institute of Science and Technology

 Oct. 16 (Fri.), 02:30 PM Online seminar

회의 ID: 891 9807 8609

암호: 660431





Magnetic resonance imaging, with its ability to provide three dimensional, elementally selective imaging without radiation damage, has had a revolutionary impact in many fields including medicine and the neurosciences. Although challenging, its extension to the nanometer scale could provide a powerful tool for nanoscience if it can provide a means for non-destructively visualizing the three dimensional morphology of complex biomolecules. Recently, negatively charge nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond have been proposed as a promising system for nanoscale magnetic field sensing. NV centers are atomic-sized point defects and can be brought to within a few nanometers of magnetic samples, allowing for nanometric spatial resolution. Over the past few years, these properties have led to rapid progress in developing NV-based magnetometers and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Here, we introduce one of recent demonstrations of proton magnetic resonance imaging using a NV spin sensor, its limitations and research directions to overcome.




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