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날짜 2020-08-25 20:00 
장소 Zoom webinar 

 KAIST Global Forum for Spin and Beyond" 두번 째 세미나를 개최합니다.    

두 번째 연사는 미국 NIST의 Mark. D. Stiles 박사님이며세미나 정보는 아래와 같습니다.

1.     연사: Mark D. Stiles (NIST, USA)

2.     발표 제목: Interfacial spin-orbit torques and other new mechanisms for electric field driven torques

3.     방식: Zoom webinar

4.     일시: 8 25일 저녁 8

5.    등록: zoom 정보를 받아보시기 위해서는 “참여하고자 하시는 발표 제목 (이번 경우에는 “ Interfacial spin-orbit torques and other new mechanisms for electric field driven torques ”)” “본인의 이름/소속  8 21일까지 보내주시기 바랍니다등록자 정보를 취합하여 zoom 정보를 보내 드리겠습니다등록비는 없습니다.

6.  포스터 첨부합니다. 


Here we announce the KAIST Global Forum for Spin and Beyond” lecture series.

The information for the second talk is given below.

1.     Speaker: Mark D. Stiles (NIST, USA)

2.     Title: Interfacial spin-orbit torques and other new mechanisms for electric field driven torques

3.     Venue: Zoom webinar

4.     Data/Time: 8/25 8pm

5.   Registration is required. For registration, please send the following information to (due: 8/21) There is no registration fee.

- The title of talk that you want to attend (for first talk, the tile is “ Interfacial spin-orbit torques and other new mechanisms for electric field driven torques ”)

- Your name / affiliation

6.  Forum poster is attached.
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