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날짜 2023-06-22 16:00 
장소 E6-2,1323 
We would like to invite you all to the High Energy Theory seminar on June 22nd (this Thursday) at 4 pm.
The speaker this week is Max Hubner (University of Pennsylvania). The talk title and abstract are below.
Date: Jun 22 at 4 pm
Location: E6-2 1323
Speker: Max Hubner (Upenn)

Title: The Branes Behind Generalized Symmetry Operators


Abstract: Generalized global symmetries are a common feature of QFTs. Such symmetries are realized via extended topological operators and whenever a QFT admits an embedding into string theory it is natural to expect these to similarly lift to stringy objects. We argue that branes wrapped on asymptotic cycles “at infinity” engineer generalized symmetry operators. This gives a non-Lagrangian method for systematically constructing such topological operators and their fusion ring. We discuss examples.

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