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날짜 2022-05-19 15:00 
장소 online 
* Title:  Development of a multimodal optical system for improved disease diagnosis 
* SpeakerJonghee Yoon, PhD (Assistant professor, Department of Physics, Ajou University) 
* Date: 3pm, 19th May
* Abstract
Recent advances in optical imaging methods and artificial intelligence have shown the capability of accurate discrimination between healthy tissue and lesions, allowing the early detection of disease without biochemical methods. The principle underlying optical imaging-based disease diagnosis is to measure optical property changes during disease progression due to alterations in morphological and biochemical properties of tissue. This seminar focuses on a multimodal imaging system implemented by combining hyperspectral imaging  (HSI) with the spatial-frequency domain imaging (SFDI) method. In addition, an adaptive correction method for structured illumination patterns required for SFDI is also introduced. The proposed multimodal imaging system could measure quantitative absorption and scattering properties of tissue, enabling accurate disease diagnosis, which conventional color imaging techniques cannot achieve. Moreover, it is suitable for rapid tissue characterization in clinics due to its compact optical system and large field of view. I will also discuss the challenges in implementing optical imaging systems for practical clinical applications. 
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