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날짜 2023-10-11 16:00 
장소 E6-2, Rm2502 

We welcome everyone to the the High Energy Theory Seminar.


Speaker: Seokhoon Yun (IBS CTPU)
Time: October 11 (Wed), 4PM
Place: E6-2, Rm2502
Title: Axion Magnetic Resonance


Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce a new resonance, axion magnetic resonance (AMR), that can greatly enhance the conversion rate between axions and photons. A series of axion search experiments rely on converting them into photons inside a constant magnetic field background. A common bottleneck of such experiments is the conversion amplitude being suppressed by the axion mass at the non-linear regime. A spatial or temporal variation in the magnetic field can cancel the difference between the photon dispersion relation and that of the axion, hence greatly enhancing the conversion probability. Such an enhancement can be achieved by both a helical magnetic field profile and a harmonic oscillation of the magnitude. In the end, I will also discuss other possible implications of AMR in astrophysical and cosmological searches.
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