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The Dual Mode Quantum Computer

2023.06.28 14:29

admin 조회 수:1251

날짜 2023-06-30 11:00 
장소 E6-6 #1501 

The Dual Mode Quantum Computer(Dr. Tommaso Macrì, QuEra Computing Inc.)


■ Date & Time: 11 AM June 30(Fri), 2023

■ Venue: Natural Science Building(E6-1) Rm.1501(자연과학동 공동강의실)

■ Speaker: Tommaso Macrì, Senior Research Scientist, QuEra Computing Inc., USA

■ Title: The Dual Mode Quantum Computer


■ Abstract

Gate-based quantum computers have recently become widespread, accessible to all via the cloud. In this noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing era, however, systems are limited in size and capacity in such a way that currently available devices can invariably by simulated with laptops or clusters. With the goal of pushing the edge of computation and enabling discovery via quantum resources, QuEra has recently made public a new concept of quantum computers: machines that are large enough and quantum enough to present a real challenge for classical simulation, albeit being not universal in its programmability. In this talk, we will introduce these neutral-atom analog quantum computers, the concept of Field Programmable Qubit Arrays (FPQA), Aquila - the first publicly available FPQA on the cloud - and its range of applicability for scientific discovery in quantum simulation and dynamics. We will present details on how to encode problems in optimization and frustrated quantum matter in neutral-atom Hamiltonians and cover topics such as the Rydberg blockade and the distinction between analog and digital (gate-based) quantum computing.


Poster_The Dual Mode Quantum Computer by QuEra Computing.jpg
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