날짜 | 2020-12-10 13:55 |
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장소 | Zoom |
Title : Consistency of Boltzmann equation and light dark matter from inflaton decay
Speaker: Dr Yin Wen (University of Tokyo)
Boltzmann equation plays important roles in particle cosmology in studying the evolution of distribution functions (also called as
occupation numbers) of various particles. For the case of the decay of a scalar condensation into a pair of scalar particles, we
point out that the system may not be well described by the Boltzmann equation when the occupation number of daughter particles becomes large even in the so-called narrow resonance regime.
In the second part, I will show a new simple mechanism for the light dark matter (DM) production from the decay of the oscillating
inflaton condensation. If the reheating temperature after inflation is higher than the inflaton mass, which is of the same order of the momentum of the DM at the time of the production, the DM momentum can be suppressed compared to the temperature of the thermal plasma if the interaction of the DM is weak enough. In addition, the DM can be abundant enough.
Zoom Link:
Time: Dec 10, 2020 01:55 PM Seoul
Meeting ID: 875 7667 2928
Passcode: 028371