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[CAPP seminar] Axion Magnetic Resonance

2023.09.20 17:45

admin 조회 수:640

날짜 2023-09-21 16:00 
장소 CAPP Seminar Room C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus 

물리학과 야니스 교수 연구실/액시온 및 극한상호작용 연구단 (CAPP/IBS) 입니다.

아래 세미나에 관심 있으신 연구자들의 참석을 요청드립니다.

CAPP seminars will be held. Anyone interested in this topic is warmly welcome.



Speaker: Dr. Seokhoon YUN (IBS/CTPU)


Date: September 21, 2023 (Thursday) 


Time: 4:00 PM (KST)


Venue: CAPP Seminar Room C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus

Meeting ID: 610 806 8959
Passcode: 131015
Topic: Axion Magnetic Resonance
In this talk, I will introduce a new resonance, axion magnetic resonance (AMR), that can greatly enhance the conversion rate between axions and photons. A series of axion search experiments rely on converting them into photons inside a constant magnetic field background. A common bottleneck of such experiments is the conversion amplitude being suppressed by the axion mass at the non-linear regime. A spatial or temporal variation in the magnetic field can cancel the difference between the photon dispersion relation and that of the axion, hence greatly enhancing the conversion probability. Such an enhancement can be achieved by both a helical magnetic field profile and a harmonic oscillation of the magnitude. In the end, I will also discuss other possible implications of AMR in astrophysical and cosmological searches.


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