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날짜 2022-04-01 16:00 
장소 Zoom webinar 


SRC Seminar



High-field Electron Transport and Interaction Induced Phenomena in 2D Materials


Dr. Kayoung Lee

Electrical Engineering, KAIST


Apr. 1 (Fri.), 04:00 PM
회의 ID: 898 7998 0781

암호: 808795





In this talk, I will present our research that spans from fundamental electron transport mechanisms to interaction induced phenomena in low-dimensional electron systems, each of which is in dire need of

innovation to incubate new material-based devices with high performance. Using double bilayer graphene heterostructures, separated by a hexagonal boron nitride dielectric, we studied interactions

between the two bilayers, where the interlayer spacing is smaller than the intra-layer particle spacing. I will present frictional drag probed on the double bilayer systems, a phenomenon in which charge current

flowing in one (drive) layer induces a voltage drop in the opposite (drag) layer. At temperatures (T) lower than 10 K, we observe a large anomalous negative drag near the drag layer charge neutrality, which increases dramatically with reducing T, strikingly becoming comparable to the layer resistivity at the lowest T = 1.5 K. A comparison of the drag resistivity and the drag layer Peltier coefficient suggests a thermoelectric origin of the drag. The talk will then move on to our recent investigation into electron transport and drift velocity saturation at high electric field in emerging 2D InSe semiconductor with a mobility >2700 cm2/Vs at room temperature. I will report the first measured saturation velocity of 2D InSe exceeding 2 x 107 cm/s. Employing our modified optical phonon emission model to explain the drift velocity saturation at high electric field, we estimate the energy of InSe optical phonons.



Contact: SunYoung Choi, (

Center for Quantum Coherence in Condensed Matter, KAIST


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