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날짜 2022-05-25 16:00 
일시 May. 25(Wed), 4pm 
장소 E6-2. 1st fl. #1323 / Zoom 
연사 Dr. Sungwoo Hong (Enrico Fermi Institute at University of Chicago) 
홍성우 박사의 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.

Title:  Uncovering New Lampposts for Dark Matter: Continuum or Conformal 

Speaker: Dr. Sungwoo Hong  (Enrico Fermi Institute at University of Chicago)
Date: May. 25(Wed), 4pm

Place : E6-2. 1st fl. #1323

[Zoom 회의 참가]
회의 ID: 872 3706 3907


Despite a multitude of observational evidence of dark matter, its microscopic nature remains to be one of the deepest mysteries in physics in general, and particle physics and cosmology in particular. In this talk, I will overview the “dark matter problem” and summarize theoretical and experimental efforts made in the last many years to uncover this puzzle. The current experimental status and standing of theory works thus far seem to suggest that it is essential to actively create new lampposts for dark matter theory and develop proper search strategies, thereby to be better prepared for upcoming spectacular discovery. “Continuum Dark Matter” and “Conformal Freeze-in” are then introduced as well-motivated new dark matter theory frameworks. Motivations, important theoretical properties and phenomenological implications will be described. 
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