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날짜 2018-11-23 15:00 
일시 NOV. 23 (Fri), 03:00 PM 
장소 E6-2. 2st fl. #2501 
연사 Prof. Sang-Jin Sin 
번호 날짜 장소 제목
154 2018-06-22 10:00  E6-6, Lecture Room 119 (1F)  Success in Research Career file
» 2018-11-23 15:00  E6-2. 2st fl. #2501  Entanglement string and Spin Liquid with Holographic duality file
152 2021-02-02 14:30  Zoom  Quantum- & Nano-Photonics 세미나(Integrated Nanophotonics with Metamaterials, Microcomb, and Atomic Systems) file
151 2019-10-29 10:00  #1323 (E6-2, 1st fl.)  Unconventional Spin Transport in Quantum Materials file
150 2022-04-08 11:00  E6-1 #1323  (응집물리 세미나) Flat-surface-assisted physical phenomena occurring in single crystal metal thin film file
149 2018-11-21 15:00  #1323, E6-2  Engineering topological quantum physics at the atomic scale file
148 2016-06-14 15:00  #1323 (E6-2 1st fl.)  No-Insulation High Temperature Superconductor Magnet Technology for Compact, Reliable, and Low-Cost High Field DC Magnets
147 2019-12-18 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Road to Higher Tc Superconductivity file
146 2019-07-16 16:00  Rm. 1323 (E6-2)  2019 Physics Distinguished Lecture file
145 2019-07-10 16:00  Academic Cltural Complex (E9) 5층 스카이라운지  Public Lectures file
144 2018-10-04 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Engineering light absorption in an ultrathin semiconductor metafilm file
143 2019-12-05 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Subwavelenth Photonic Devices: From Single Photon Sources to Solar Cell file
142 2023-06-16 13:00  E6-2, #2502  Quantum critical states under extreme conditions
141 2019-05-24 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Infrared spectroscopy study on metal-insulator transitions in layered perovskite iridates file
140 2023-11-22 10:00  E6-2, #5301 & zoom  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Exact Quantum Algorithms to Recognize Quantum Phases of Matter
139 2019-04-04 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Chiral spin-photon interaction at nanoscale file
138 2021-02-17 09:00  Online  석학 대중 강연 및 강의 시리즈 file
137 2018-11-22 15:00  E6 Room(#1323)  Experimental and Computational Study on Physical Properties based on Granular System file
136 2023-02-20 16:00  Room 1323, KAIST Natural Sciences Lecture Hall(E6)  Physics of ferromagnet/superconductor junctions
135 2023-05-17 16:30  Zoom  Detecting Hidden Photon Dark Matter via the Excitation of Qubits file