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Twisted Bilayer Magnets

2022.08.04 15:21

admin 조회 수:1176

날짜 2022-08-12 10:00 
장소 E6-1 #1323 
1. Date / Time 
    - August 12, 2022 / 10:00 AM (KST)
2. Place / ZOOM 
    Room 1323, KAIST Natural Sciences Lecture Hall(E6) (자연과학동 1323호)
3. Speaker
    Dr. Moon Jip Park (Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, IBS)
4. Talk Title
    Twisted Bilayer Magnets 
5. Abstract
    Recent experiments with twisted bilayer materials have provided a versatile platform for the realization of exotic phases of matter. In this talk, we are going to expand the theory of moire systems to spin systems. Starting from the brief review of twisted bilayer graphene, we develop a concrete theory of twisted bilayer magnetism. Based on the first-principles calculations of two-dimensional honeycomb magnet CrI3, we construct the generic spin models that represent a broad class of twisted bilayer magnetic systems. Using the Monte-Carlo method, we discover a variety of non-collinear magnetic order that has been overlooked in previous theoretical and experimental studies. Finally, we show that the twisted magnets can be a promising candidate for the discovery of topological magnon excitations.
Inquiry: Dept. Physics  Prof.  Kim, Se Kwon(T. 2527, )
Attachment : CV
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