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AdS black holes: a review

2022.09.14 16:53

admin 조회 수:981

날짜 2022-09-15 13:00 
장소 E6-2, #1323 
We would like to invite you to the High-Energy Theory seminar. This week's speaker is Christopher Couzens from Kyunghee University.
Everyone is welcome to join. 
Time: Sep. 15th (Thu) 1 PM
Place: E6-2, #1323
Title: AdS black holes: a review 
In this talk, we will discuss advances over the last 10 years in understanding the microstates of AdS black holes. We will first review the computation of the entropy of asymptotically flat black holes a la Strominger Vafa and then proceed to discuss the computation for AdS black holes focussing on AdS4 black holes in 11d. We will then discuss how gravitational blocks can be used to give a complimentary computation of the Bekenstein—Hawking entropy. We will then move on to discuss new 2d black hole horizons called spindles and discs and their unique properties before discussing very briefly their 4d generalisations and how to modify the gravitational block descriptions to these cases. 


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