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날짜 2023-11-22 10:00 
일시 Nov. 22 (Wed) 10 a.m. 
장소 E6-2, #5301 & zoom 
연사 Prof. Soonwon Choi (MIT) 
There will be a High-Energy Theory Seminar this week by Prof. Soonwon Choi from MIT. The seminar may be of interest to quantum information and condensed matter people as well.
Time: Nov. 22 (Wed) 10 a.m.
Title: Exact Quantum Algorithms to Recognize Quantum Phases of Matter
Abstract: In  this talk, we explore the relationship between renormalization group  (RG) flow and error correction by constructing quantum algorithms that  exactly recognize 1D symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases protected by finite internal Abelian symmetries. For each SPT phase, our algorithm runs  a quantum circuit which emulates RG flow: an arbitrary input ground  state wavefunction in the phase is mapped to a unique  minimally-entangled reference state, thereby allowing for efficient  phase identification. This construction is enabled by viewing a generic  input state in the phase as a collection of coherent `errors' applied to  the reference state, and engineering a quantum circuit to efficiently  detect and correct such errors. Importantly, the error correction  threshold is proven to coincide exactly with the phase boundary. We  discuss the implications of our results in the context of condensed  matter physics, machine learning, and near-term quantum algorithms.
번호 날짜 장소 제목
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514 2015-06-03 12:00  Room 101, E11  The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum file
513 2017-04-05 12:00  Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg.(E11)  2017년 4월 첫수 융합포럼 개최 안내(물리학과 & 원자력 및 양자공학과 공동 개최)/The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum in April 2017 organized by Dept. of Physics & Dept. of Nuclear & Quantum Engineering file
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