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날짜 2016-11-04 15:00 
장소 E6-2. #1323(1st fl.) 

Quantum information experiments using few electron spins in semiconductors


Nov. 04 (Fri), 3:00 PM

E6-2. #1323(1st fl.)


Dr. Dohun Kim, Department of Physics and Astronomy, SNU

Isolated electron and nuclear spins provide promising platforms for constructing quantum two level systems, or qubits in semiconductors. This talk will review two seemingly different but actually closely related research areas; 1. artificially fabricated gate defined semiconductor quantum dot based quantum electronics, and 2. diamond NV (nitrogen-vacancy) center based quantum information experiments, including discussion of fast silicon based spin qubits and electron and nuclear spin qubits using NV centers. I will give a general introduction to quantum measurements using charge and spin degree of freedom in quantum dots. The second part of the talk will focus on discussing implementations of advanced quantum measurement and validation protocols in NV center qubits using optically detected magnetic resonance and controlling hyperfine interactions. Lastly I will conclude by showing a few directions for quantum dot and NV center research in SNU largely adopting techniques developed in superconducting qubits and nuclear magnetic resonance research fields.

Contact: SunYoung Choi, (

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