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날짜 2022-07-14 13:30 
일시 Jul. 14th (THU), 13:30 
장소 E6 #1501 & Zoom 
연사 Dr. Jahyun Koo(Institute of Natural Science, KAIST) 

7/14(목) 물리학과 문은국 교수 연구실에서 개최하는 세미나를 안내 드립니다. 


- Title: Electronic structure and anomalous transport properties of topological materials by first principle calculation
- Speaker: Dr. Jahyun Koo(Institute of Natural Science, KAIST)
-  Date: Jul. 14th (THU), 13:30, E6 #1501

회의 ID: 870 6832 7099

암호: 977538



The density functional theory(DFT) is one of the most efficient ways of predicting the properties of materials. The topological materials exhibit unusual surface states and anomalous transport phenomena. In this talk, I will introduce several examples of DFT calculation, and how we connect the theoretical result to interesting experimental results. In the first part of the talk, I will introduce a calculation about the electronic structure and related properties of anomalous electrical Hall response, in the Co2MnAl. How to create or remove nodal rings and Weyl points freely in a ferromagnetic topological semimetal by rotating the magnetization direction via a weak magnetic field. Second, I will present a study about the the Kagome lattice noncollinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Ge(Sn). We find that the anomalous Lorenz ratio remains close to the Sommerfeld value at zero temperature. Widemann-Franz's law linking the magnitude of the anomalous thermal and anomalous electrical Hall effects is valid. Following the semiclassical approach, the temperature dependence of anomalous transport properties is determined by the electronic structure and Berry curvature details of the materials
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