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The recent result of XMASS Experiment

2018.02.08 17:52

admin 조회 수:2173

날짜 2018-02-12 15:00 
장소 #C303, (Creation Hall 3F, KAIST Munji Campus) 

Seminar Invitation


Speaker: Byeongsu Yang (Kamioka Observatory, University of Tokyo)


Date: February 12, 2018 (Monday)


Time: 3:00 pm


Venue: Seminar Room (C303), Creation Hall (3F), KAIST Munji Campus


Topic: The recent result of XMASS Experiment




XMASS is a multi-purpose experiment using a single-phase liquid-xenon scintillator detector located underground at Kamioka Observatory in Japan. With the commissioning data from December 2010, we conducted various dark matter searches such as light WIMPs, WIMP-129Xe inelastic scattering, and bosonic super-WIMPs. After a successful refurbishment to reduce background events, we are continuously taking data since November 2013. With these long-term data, we have searched for dark matter in a fiducial volume and for annual modulation caused by dark matter with masses down to Sub-GeV range. The XMASS detector is also capable of pursuing various researches in particle and astroparticle physics such as supernova neutrino observation, solar axion search, and double electron capture search. A recent development of beta ray and gamma ray separation by waveform enhances physics sensitivities. In this talk, the recent physics results from the XMASS data will be presented.



CAPP seminar will be held as above. Anyone interested in this topic is warmly welcome.



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