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날짜 2023-11-08 10:00 
장소 E6-2,#2502 & zoom 

We are happy to  announce a High-Energy Theory Seminar this week by Prof. Thomas Faulkner from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The seminar will be held over  Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join over in the room below and also over  Zoom.

Time: Nov. 8 (Wed), 10AM
Place: E6-2,  #2502
Zoom link:

Title: The Vacuum Sector of  Asymptotically Isometric Codes

Abstract: Asymptotically isometric codes give a quantum error correcting picture for the large-N limit of quantum field theories. For example this gives a quantitative description of how non-trivial von Neumann algebras can emerge in such limit. For large-N sequences of conformal field theories we study this structure for codes that realize a vacuum representation of the conformal symmetries. We give a criterion for stringy versus non-stringy codes and constrain the mutual information phase transition that is present in these codes.
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