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Magnetic reversal of artificial spin ice

2018.06.25 14:25

관리자 조회 수:1502

날짜 2018-07-27 13:30 
일시 June 27 (Wed.), 13:30 PM 
장소 #1323, E6-2 
연사 Dr. Jung Sik Park 

Physics Seminar




Magnetic reversal of artificial spin ice


Dr. Jung Sik Park

CHARM Laboratory, KAIST



June 27 (Wed.), 13:30 PM

#1323, E6-2





Artificial spin ice refers to an array of elongated ferromagnetic elements that is built using e-beam lithography. Originally conceived as a two-dimensional analogue of spin ice, artificial spin ice displays a variety of fascinating physical phenomena induced by geometrical frustration and has become an independent research area in its own right. The advantage of artificial spin ice compared to its natural counterpart is that one can vary the interaction strength and geometry at will. In this talk, I will give a general overview of the research field and cover some of my own results that are related to the magnetic reversal of artificial spin ice.


Contact : Hee Bin Yang ( Laboratory









 Department of Physics, KAIST

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