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날짜 2023-05-03 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #2502 

We are delighted to announce the upcoming High-Energy Theory Seminar by Dr. Sang Hui Im visiting us from IBS.



Speaker: Dr. Sang Hui Im (IBS)

Time: May 3 (Wed), 4PM
Place: E6-2, #2502
Title : Probing microscopic origins of axions by the chiral magnetic effect
Abstract : 
The QCD axion and axion-like particles are theoretically well-motivated new particles which may provide an important clue for underlying high energy physics when they are discovered. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss possible classes of UV physics for axions characterized by the ratio of axion-fermion coupling to axion-gauge boson coupling at low energies. The axion-electron coupling turns out to be particularly important to experimentally distinguish among the possible classes of UV physics for the QCD axion. The axion-electron coupling is, however, known to be very challenging to measure. In the second part of the talk, I will introduce the chiral magnetic effect and its application to the measurement of the axion-electron coupling. It may offer an interesting new possibility to improve experimental sensitivity on the axion-electron coupling over a broad mass range of the axion.
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