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날짜 2022-01-17 14:00 
장소 E6-2 Room 2502 

Title: Five Lectures on Observational Probes of Dark Energy

Speaker : Dr. Donghui Jeong (Penn State University)
Date : Jan. 17(Mon) - 21 (Fri), 2-4pm
Place : E6-2 Room 2502 
Notice : Graduate level physics core courses and QFTs are assumed. 
KF94 (or equivalent) mask is required. 
The number of attendees may be limited if it exceeds the limit.
Five lectures include
  1. Basic cosmology
    FLRW Universe, particle motion, Friedmann equation & solution
  2. Cosmic acceleration
    History; Cosmological constant, vacuum energy, discovery of cosmic acceleration, confirmation from BAO
  3. What causes the acceleration?
    tired light, local void, lambda, Dark Energy, modified gravity
  4. Observational test of DE and MG
    Geometrical test, Dynamical test, If not Lambda, can we distinguish DE from MG?
  5. The CMB map and power spectrum
    CMB physics, probing dark energy with the CMB power spectrum
Contact : Minho Son (


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