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JILA 1D Wannier-Stark optical lattice clock

2023.01.11 09:56

admin 조회 수:1136

날짜 2023-01-12 14:40 
장소 E6-2 #1323 

* Title : “JILA 1D Wannier-Stark optical lattice clock”


* Speaker : Kyungtae Kim(Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) & University of Colorado)


* Date : January 12th (Thursday), 14:40


* Place : E6 Room(#1323)


In this talk, we introduce JILA 1D optical lattice clock that utilizes Wannier-Stark (WS) states in a shallow vertical lattice. The experiment features T2 coherence over 30 seconds, resulting in frequency resolving power at the level of redshift below 1 mm throughout the sample [1]. The central parts of the system are the microscopic frequency map based on in-situ imaging and the engineering of the atomic interaction with shallow lattice [2]. With the partially delocalized WS state, we can balance on-site p-wave interaction and off-site s-wave interaction at "magic lattice depth." The low lattice intensity reduces many systematics, including the light shift, one of the largest contributions to the uncertainty, and Raman scattering. We present the recent evaluation of the lattice light shift at the 5E-19 fractional frequency uncertainty based on the precise control and understanding of the motional effects of the atoms [3]. Furthermore, we describe ongoing efforts to reduce the uncertainty from black-body radiation.


[1] T. Bothwell et al., Nature. 602, 420–424 (2022).

[2] A. Aeppli et al., Science Advances. 8, eadc9242 (2022).

[3] K. Kim, A. Aeppli, T. Bothwell, J. Ye, arXiv:2210.16374 (2022).


Contact: Jae-yoon Choi.  Tel. 2541

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