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Spin-based training of optical microscopes

2022.05.18 10:46

admin 조회 수:971

날짜 2022-02-28 16:00 
장소 E6, #1501 
2022학년도 봄학기 물리학과 첫콜로키움을 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.  

*일 시 : 2. 28(월), 16:00

*장 소 : 자연과학동 공동강의실 (E6, 1501호)        

*연 사 : 김동규교수,  KAIST 물리학과
*Title  :  Spin-based training of optical microscopes
Optical microscopes become an indispensable tool for many of quantum technologies, as they provide efficient, high-resolution control interfaces for the underlying quantum systems. In this talk, I will present computer programming of such microscopes, of which spatial-mode configurations are trained based on the ground-state spins of quantum emitters. I will introduce an instance of the spin-based training that extends today’s capabilities of optical microscopy. I will further discuss their implicit remarks with which we can challenge the status quo of quantum technologies and push their frontiers.
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