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물리학과 2010-08-30 14:14:15
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Postdoctoral Position in Nanofabrication and Plasmonics

A postdoctoral position in nanofabrication and plasmonics is available in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
The researcher will gain opportunities to acquire new techniques in our laboratory, in particular,
template-stripping methods for making ultrasmooth patterned metals.

[1] P. Nagpal et al. Science 325, 594 (2009).
[2] N.C. Lindquist et al., Nano Lett. 10, 1369 (2010).
[3] H. Im et al., Nano Lett. 10, 2231 (2010).

Using these high-throughput nanofabrication techniques, the researcher is expected to design,
fabricate and characterize plasmonic nanostructures for collaborative projects in biosensing,
photonics, imaging and spectroscopy. Experience in plasmonics, biosensing or near-field
imaging is highly desired.

Additional Information
For more details regarding our collaborators and projects, please visit:

Appointments will be for one year with the possibility of reappointment on an annual basis in
accordance with performance and availability of funding. Applicants must have a doctoral
degree in engineering, physics, chemistry, materials science or a related field.

Please e-mail a cover letter and CV to:
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and educator.