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날짜 2024-05-01 16:00 
장소 E6-2 #2502 

We are happy to announce the High Energy Theory Seminar this week by Prof. Jeong Han Kim from Chungbuk National University.

We welcome everyone to join.

Speaker: Prof. Jeong Han Kim (Chungbuk National University)
Time: May 1 (Wed) at 4 PM
Place: E6-2 #2502

Title: Across the Mass Spectrum: Utilizing Small-Scale Structures to Probe Dark Matters

Abstract: The cosmological data from a small-scale astrophysical structure and future gravitational wave (GW) experiments hold great promise in shedding light on the nature of dark matter (DM). First, we explore MeV-scale two-component DMs with a sizable mass splitting and self-interaction for a light component. By delving into temperature evolution, density perturbation, and N-body simulation, we find that the annihilation of the heavier components to the lighter ones effectively endows the latter with warm DM-like behavior. It takes advantage of all the distinct features that warm DM offers without observational mass constraints on the warm DM masses. Second, we explore a black hole binary system in the presence of the ultralight self-interacting scalar DM and corresponding GW signals. The dense region of DM can lead to the dephasing of gravitational waveforms, which can be detected by upcoming experiments such as LISA.

Further information about the future/past HET seminar can be found here:

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