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날짜 2023-05-31 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #2502 

We invite you to the High-Energy Theory Seminar next Wednesday (May 31st) at 4pm. 
The speaker is Zhihao Duan from KIAS. 

Time: May 31st (Wed) 4 pm
Place: E6-2, #2502

Title: Resurgence and complex Chern-Simons theory

Abstract: The theory of resurgence is a powerful tool to understand non-perturbative physics from perturbative analysis. On the other hand, three-dimensional complex Chern-Simons theory is deeply related to physics and mathematics in low dimensions. Recently, people have studied its partition function using resurgence technique and gained new insights into topics such as 3D-3D correspondence and quantum modularity. In this talk, I will discuss some resurgent properties of the partition function on some class of hyperbolic manifolds and propose some conjectures on the non-perturbative sectors. This is based on 2208.14188, 2301.00098 and some work in progress.

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