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날짜 2024-10-30 14:30 
장소 E6-2, #3441 
○ 일시 : 2024.10.30.(수) 14:30
○ 장소 : E6-2, #3441
○ 연사 : Mario Cuoco (CNR-SPIN, c/o University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy)
○ 주제 : Spin-orbital chiral metal
○ Abstract:
 The connection between crystal symmetries, electron interactions, and electronic structure plays a crucial role in the emergence of various unconventional phases of matter. Understanding the intimate nature of these orders and providing robust means for detecting them are key objective in the field of condensed-matter physics. For instance, identifying non-standard types of magnetism with chiral electronic ordering has proven to be quite challenging in experiments. Here, we introduce and discuss symmetry-broken chiral phases which are based on nonstandard spin-orbital correlations. Then, we consider which are the key signatures for their detection when considering circularly polarized, spin-selective, angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Focusing on the well-known quantum material Sr2RuO4, we uncover subtle spectroscopic hallmarks that align with the presence of spin-orbital chiral currents at the material's surface. The uncovered chiral states open up new avenues for understanding ordering phenomena and unconventional magnetism.
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