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날짜 2024-05-16 14:30 
일시 May 16th(Thur), 2:30pm 
장소 E6-2 #2502 & Zoom 
연사 Dr. Ritoban Basu Thakur (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech) 
물리학특강<전파천문학> 수업의 일부로, 5월 16일(목) 오후 2:30에 E6-2 2502호에서 Ritoban Basu Thakur 박사(JPL/Caltech)의 특강 "Observational Cosmology with Superconducting Sensors"이 있습니다. 관심 있으신 물리학과 구성원 분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.
Dr. Ritoban Basu Thakur from JPL/Caltech will be presenting a seminar titled "Observational Cosmology with Superconducting Sensors" as part of my Radio Astronomy course. The seminar is scheduled for Thursday, May 16th, at 2:30 pm in room E6-2 2502. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Astrophysics Seminar will take place at 2:30 pm (E6-2 #2502). For those who wish to attend but are unable to do so in person, a Zoom link is provided below. Everyone is welcome to attend!
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Meeting ID: 876 6939 6735
Passcode: 653628
Speaker: Dr. Ritoban Basu Thakur (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech)
Title: Observational Cosmology with Superconducting Sensors
Abstract: Observational Cosmology aims at understanding the rich history of our universe, peering through billions of light-years of cosmic evolution. To capture the faint signals from high redshifts we develop and deploy astronomical instruments with superconducting sensors -- a variety of them geared toward specific science cases. These sensors also become useful in radiostronomy for studying astrophysical objects that are not necessarily at cosmological distances. This talk will review a class of superconducting sensors being developed at Caltech and NASA-JPL for studying the Cosmic Microwave Background and structure formation in the early universe.
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