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[CAPP seminar] Particle Physics with Neutrinos

2023.10.06 16:51

admin 조회 수:762

날짜 2023-10-11 16:00 
장소 CAPP Seminar Room C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus 

물리학과 야니스 교수 연구실/액시온 및 극한상호작용 연구단 (CAPP/IBS) 입니다.

아래 세미나에 관심 있으신 연구자들의 참석을 요청드립니다.

CAPP seminars will be held. Anyone interested in this topic is warmly welcome.


Speaker: Prof. Chang Hyun HA (Chung-Ang University)


Date: October 11, 2023 (Wednesday) 


Time: 4:00 PM (KST)


Venue: CAPP Seminar Room C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus

Meeting ID: 610 806 8959

Passcode: 131015


Topic: Particle Physics with Neutrinos





Neutrinos are ubiquitous. Not only are they produced by man-made accelerators and nuclear reactors but countless numbers of them are also provided by heaven constantly. Although they exist everywhere, their properties are not yet accurately understood because their interactions with matter are weak and, therefore, difficult to detect. What's interesting is that these elementary particles can change their type through quantum mechanical vibration into so-called “flavors,” which means that neutrinos have mass. Although the Standard Model of particle physics has passed numerous tests, it has not taken into account that neutrinos have mass. Therefore, through neutrino measurements, we can not only gain a deeper understanding of already known particle physics, but also find hints about new physics. In this seminar, I will introduce the basic principles of the neutrino experiments that I am involved with and report their current status. These include NEON, AMoRE, and IceCube experiments.

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