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날짜 2016-08-04 14:30 
일시 Aug. 4, 2016 (Thu.), 2:30 pm 
장소 KAIST Natural Science Building (E6-5), EDU 3.0 Room(1st fl.) 
연사 Prof. Argyris Nicolaidis 

Relational Logic 

(with applications to Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, Cosmology, Neutrino Oscillations, Statistical Mechanics)


Aug. 4, 2016 (Thu.), 2:30 pm, KAIST Natural Science Building (E6-5), EDU 3.0 Room(1st fl.)

Prof. Argyris Nicolaidis


Quantum mechanics defies classical logic, defined by Aristotle and extended into mathematics by George Boole. We suggest that the inner syntax of quantum mechanics is relational logic, a form of logic developed by C. S. Peirce. Within relational logic, relation is the fundamental, primary constituent and everything else is expressed in terms of relations. A double line representation for relations   generates patterns similar to string world-sheets, indicating the affinity between quantum mechanics and string theory.   A relation may be represented by a spinor and a single spinor gives rise to the Bloch sphere, which is topologically equivalent to the light cone of Minkowski spacetime. We examined the geometry emerging out of the quantum entanglement of two spinors. We found that quantum entanglement offers us a cosmology involving an extra dimension (its size is determined by the amount of quantum entanglement), with two “mirror” branes coexisting in the extra dimension. An interesting phenomenology for the neutrino mixing follows. We studied also a network composed of relations-links, using methods of statistical mechanics. Our model may serve as a prototype model to address different systems (internet network, virus propagation etc).


Contact : CAPP Administration Office(T.8166)




Argyris Nicolaidis is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He obtained his Ph.D. from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in the domain of Theoretical Physics of Elementary Particles. He worked as postdoctotal fellow at the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Collège de France, Paris. His scientific work is centered on Quantum Chromodynamics, neutrino astrophysics, string dynamics and black holes, extra dimensions of space, relational logic, complex networks. He is the recipient of the Empirikion Prize for the Natural Sciences in 1988. A member of the scientific council of the NESTOR neutrino telescope. Fulbright fellow in the year 1995.


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