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날짜 2016-12-09 16:00 
장소 #1323(E6-2. 1st fl. 

Shift Charge and Spin Photocurrents in Dirac Surface States of Topological Insulator


Dr. Kun Woo Kim, KIAS

Dec. 9(Fri), 4p.m., #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.

The generation of photocurrent in condensed matter is of main interest for photovoltaic and opto-electronic applications. Shift current, a nonlinear photoresponse, has attracted recent intensive attention as a dominant player of bulk photovoltaic effect in ferroelectric materials. In three-dimensional topological insulators Bi2X3 (X: Te, Se), we find that Dirac surface states with a hexagonal warping term support shift current by linearly polarized light. Moreover, we study ‘shift spin current’ that arises in Dirac surface states by introducing time-reversal symmetry breaking perturbation. The estimate for the magnitudes of the shift charge and spin current densities are 0.13 I0 and 0.40 I0 (nA/m) for Bi2Te3 with the intensity of light I0 measured in (W/m2), respectively, which can offer a useful method to generate these currents efficiently.


Contact: MyungJoon Han, Physics Dept., (

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