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날짜 2016-11-24 16:00 
일시 Nov. 24(Thu) 4p.m. 
장소 #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.) 
연사 Dr. Jai-Min Choi, Chonbuk National Univiersity 

Harmonic oscillator physics with single atoms in a state-selective optical potential


Dr. Jai-Min Choi, Chonbuk National Univiersity

Nov. 24(Thu) 4p.m. #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.)


 Tracking and engineering the phase evolution of a quantum system is a prerequisite for realizing a novel quantum state from which a quantum version of Deep Mind might be built around the earth. In this talk, I would like to present a demonstration of single atom interferometer realized by trapping single atoms in the state-selective 1D optical lattices designed to be able to exploit vector polarizability in light-atom interaction. Phase evolution of the partial wave functions of single atoms, during displacing and remerging those of single atoms in interferometer sequences, is tracked along the designated motional states. Coherent population control over the quantized motional states and phase tracking/engineering of a specific superposition state under the predetermined phase shift operation will pave the way for realizing the nonclassical motional states and provide a viable platform for simulating the dephasing mechanism of a quantum system.


Contact: Min-kyo Seo, Physics Dept. (T.2517)

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