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3d Gravity and Tensor Model

2024.11.18 13:47

admin 조회 수:535

날짜 2024-11-21 11:00 
연사 Daniel L. Jafferis 
장소 E6-2 3441 
Dear all, 
We are happy to announce a high-energy theory seminar by Daniel L. Jafferis visiting from Harvard University. 
Everyone is welcome to join.
Speaker: Daniel L. Jafferis
Time: Nov. 21th(Thurs) at 11:00 AM
Place: E6-2, #3441
Title: 3d Gravity and Tensor Models
Abstract: I will present a tensor and matrix integral that admits a topological expansion, extending the 't Hooft expansion, and show that it exactly matches the sum over topology in pure AdS3 gravity. 
I will discuss some implications of these results, and various extensions, including to de Sitter gravity. 
This seminar will be shared live via Zoom. Here is Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 838 2100 5789
Passcode: 258138
Further information about future/past KAIST HET seminar can be found here:
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