날짜 | 2016-12-8 16:00 |
연사 | |
장소 | #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.) |
Dynamical Resonance between Two Optical Cavities via Optomechanical Oscillator
Dr. Jinhyoung Lee, Hanyang University
Dec. 8(Thu) 4p.m., #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.)
We consider quantum interface between two optical cavities, by which a quantum state is transferred between the cavity modes of different wavelengths, mediated by an optomechanical oscillator. We show that the transfer can be controlled in terms of injecting photon numbers and made close to unity even though the cavity modes are off-resonant initially. In this work, we exploit the dynamic resonance transfer, recently proposed. We discuss the characteristics of this state transfer in detail.
Contact: Min-Kyo Seo, Physics Dept., (T. 2517)